Saturday, June 9, 2012

my biggest girl is 8.

 i'm just not sure how it has happened as it seems only yesterday she was a sweet little bald blue eyed baby!
but now she's quite the young lady! and i can't believe that tomorrow she is 8!
 i catch her each morning now putting on the slightest amount of make-up
and i'm determined to not make a huge deal about it because i know it's just something special to her.
i've noticed her more aware of her appearance and stature, not in a vain way
just very lady-like.
i'm so proud of my girl and who she is.  i love her heart and how she is so aware of what's important.  she values people, friendships, quality time.
she is always willing to help, never complaining or whining.  she loves on the babies, always does what's needed to make things a bit easier, and knows how to make people feel loved and included. she loves crafts, leaving people notes and cards, and loves swimming.  she's a detailed girl, listens and does what has been asked to the every detail which makes her a joy to home school.
my biggest girl had always wanted a sister so when we talked about adopting she was over the moon!when we had met with baby girl's birthmom for the very first time she had mentioned that her due date was june 10th...our biggest girl's birthday.  she couldn't have been more excited.
when we brought baby girl home from the hospital she was immediately in love. 
i remember her holding the baby and she looked up at me very seriously and said, "these 30 days better go quickly".
 i have at times feared how she would respond to some of the things that adoption/fostering brings.
she gives fully and i always knew that should we bring another little one into our home
she would instantly fall in love.
and while some days have been hard for her
she learned to live each day to the fullest, accepting that we can't predict what was ahead. 
 i am so proud of her
over the past week, as things have become increasingly complicated with our baby boy, i've noticed that she is fully aware of it all.
the phone calls
our conversations.
she came and asked me if he was going to have to go.
i told her i didn't know what was ahead.
i said we had to continue doing what we could do...and when i asked her what those things were she said very confidently,
"mama, we can hope
enjoy this moment
this hour
this day
and love him like he's never leaving."

she gets it
and i'm so proud.
happy birthday, my sweet girl!

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