Monday, June 11, 2012

his mama.

i know what my perspective should be...
grateful for every minute with him
grateful that he, out of no where, arrived in our kitchen
that there is a bigger picture that is beyond anything i can understand or see
that a baby's first months are the most important
that the love and cuddles and kisses and words are impacting him beyond our understanding
that no matter what he will always have a place in our hearts
that God loves him more than i ever could
and will watch over his every step
i know that this should be my perspective
and most of the time it is.
but at night, mostly at night
i find it hard to keep this view.
at night
when i look over into his crib and see his sweet cheeks and dark hair
i just want the chance to be his mama.


  1. Oh, Shar....

    I can not begin to fathom. And yet, I am so grateful for every. single. moment. this precious boy is able to soak in your love. Praying for a miraculous turn of events....

  2. i love you shar.
    you are on my heart and in my mind, so much lately.
    my post today is written with you in mind.


  3. I love your heart, I love your kids, I LOVE YOU!! You give so much love to these babies - and they feel it - it's obvious! Keep it up!

  4. oh Shar... you are on my mind and heart... more than you know!
