Tuesday, July 3, 2012

someone has to.

some days the emotions seem overwhelming.
we don't have answers to our situation with baby boy and
there really are no options.
we have to wait and see what happens.
i have fears with baby girl,
so many unknowns for the future.
many of the fears are the same, with any of my children
but many she will have to work through that are unique to her due to her adoption. 
how will we deal with her possible insecurities and questions?
will she know how much we completely adore her,
that she was our baby girl since the moment we saw her. 
i don't want to sound like a broken record,
always writing about the difficult side with our babies
but right now
when things are in limbo
are ever present.
we walk each day with a weight on our shoulders
some days the weight is lighter
but it's still always there.
last week things got rough.
no answers to some pretty big questions.
seeming to hit a brick wall in any possible solution with baby boy
it was just too much.
i could feel my chest tightening and anxiety setting in
as we talked through the latest developments with baby boy,
trying to figure out how this was going to work out.
i looked at my husband,
hardly able to get the words out
and i said "why would we ever do this again,
its just too hard".

i haven't been able to shake what he said to me.
"someone has to"
that's all he said.
sometimes i wish we weren't that "someone".
sometimes i wish i could just walk away
and not feel anything
but to be honest
with each baby that has been brought to our home
my feeling couldn't be more opposite.
looking at our baby girl and baby boy
there is only one thought that consumes my mind

one more. 
we can love on one more.
i don't know what that means for our family
but it stirs in me an excitement in regards to the future.
we are open and willing.
He knows
and because He is more than capable
i choose to trust.


  1. Oh friend. The tears are streaming...
    So beautiful. So hard. I know a little bit of what you are experiencing and know that every day can be a battle. I'm going through the beth moore study on James right now. This past lesson she spoke about anguish and how it's from a root word that means "choke". Isn't that how those feelings are sometimes, like someone has their hands around your neck and you are struggling for each breath? She spoke about how anguish and joy can both be present. That really hit home for me in our adoption story. That the anguish at times was so overwhelming, but at the same time the joy in our hearts over our baby was even more overwhelming. Praying that you are able to find joy and fulfillment in caring and loving this little man each day. And of course, praying that he will ultimately be your's. ((hugs))

  2. shar, i really enjoy reading these postings and the way your life is. i cant imagine the struggles you face day to day, but you are someones hero every day. those babies, in your home a week or a year or forever have been touched by an angel...you and your family is that angel and your words make me really take a step back and look at my 5 kiddos and it truly makes me love them even more. thank you for that. you are truly a blessing from god and those babies know that.

  3. know that you are not alone in your thoughts, fears or open posture to "one more"...
